Today a new adventure starts. North Pole launches its blog, a place where our friends and our clients can find all the information related to our magical world.
You can find the products, the brands, the news from North Pole, everything related to Christmas and collectibles and much more.
As you can read in our About North Pole page, the passion for Christmas and high quality decorations gave birth to North Pole Ltd.
The company is based in London, but we ship almost everywhere. Feel free to contact us if you have trouble checking out because your country has not been configured. Do not forget to visit italian shop
We can find the best solution to ship directly to your home.
What's going on in 2018? Christmas is still far to come but our elves are already working to find all the best decorations and collectibles to spread the magical spirit and give joy to you and your family.
First big news for this year is the growth of our collaboration with Enesco.
To the delights of Disney fans, the Disney World will be increasingly present in our shop.
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, all the characters of Disney Fairy Tales and Movies have something magical that brings us back to our youth and, just like Peter Pan, makes us "lost boys" forever.
The offer of Jim Shore has increased with many new items already available and more soon to arrive.
Who would not want to live the fairy tale of their favourite princess or be the protagonist of classic movies like Pinocchio or Snow White.
North Pole is also pleased to announce the collaboration with two new brands: Romero Britto and Miss Mindy.
Both artists, with different and recognizable styles, have a vast production of Disney products, all available on our shop.

The journey has just started. Keep in touch for all the other news.